SystemBack Installation with GUI :
System Back is alternative for remastersys
Also it is used to create restore-point like windows using systemback-cli
# add-apt-repository ppa:nemh/systemback
# apt-get update
# apt-get install systemback
To Create a LiveISO
Open SystemBack-GUI
Slect LiveSystemCreate
Change the OPtion if Required
Select Create New
After Creation Select Convert to ISO to get bootable iso
For Command Line (On-Server)
Using systemback-cli can only create restore points,not live ISO
# apt-get install systemback-cli
# systemback-cli ------> with terminal gui
System Back is alternative for remastersys
Also it is used to create restore-point like windows using systemback-cli
# add-apt-repository ppa:nemh/systemback
# apt-get update
# apt-get install systemback
To Create a LiveISO
Open SystemBack-GUI
Slect LiveSystemCreate
Change the OPtion if Required
Select Create New
After Creation Select Convert to ISO to get bootable iso
For Command Line (On-Server)
Using systemback-cli can only create restore points,not live ISO
# apt-get install systemback-cli
# systemback-cli ------> with terminal gui