GlusterFS on Ubuntu/CentOS


Gluster File System is a distributed files system allowing you to create a single volume of storage which spans multiple disks,
multiple machines and even multiple data centres.
Install the required packages on both Ubuntu/CentOS machines. If have more than two servers,
perform this command on all of the servers required for the volume.

IP, hostname centos-gfs1
IP, hostname centos-gfs1

GlusterFS server installation


# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
# wget
# yum install glusterfs-server
# chkconfig --level 235 glusterd on


# apt-get install glusterfs-server

# glusterfs --version

Now it is mandatory that both machines must listen to each other with their hostname, so update both  machines with the entries in /etc/hosts:

# vi /etc/hosts    centos-gfs1    gfs1    centos-gfs2    gfs2


Note:---Disable SELinux and iptables---

Now in both machines run the command  gluster peer probe

run this on first machine as follows:

# gluster peer probe gfs1
# gluster peer probe gfs2
# gluster peer status

Again same thing repeat on second machine:

# gluster peer probe gfs1
# gluster peer probe gfs2
# gluster peer status

Now I will create a common folder on both machines.

# mkdir /GluFS

Run Below commands Only in One Machine

Now we need to create the volume where the data will reside.
The volume will be called datapoint. Now run on any machine:

# gluster volume create gfsv1 replica 2 transport tcp gfs1:/GluFS gfs2:/GluFS force

# gluster volume start gfsv1

Running either of the below commands should indicate that GlusterFS is up and running.
The ps command should show the command running with both servers in the argument.
netstat should show a connection between both nodes.

# ps aux | grep gluster
# netstat -tap | grep glusterfsd

As a final test, to make sure the volume is available, run gluster volume info. As shown below:

# gluster volume info

It shows that two bricks are fully functional.
Now we have a GlusterFS volume which will maintain replication across two nodes.
In the same way you can use N numbers of brick as nodes.

Install and Configure the Client Components

# yum install glusterfs-client
# apt-get install glusterfs-client

# mkdir /Test

# mount -t glusterfs centos-gfs1:/gfsv1 /Test

# mount -t glusterfs /Test

Restrict Access to the Volume

Currently, any computer can connect to our storage volume without any restrictions.
We can change this by setting an option on our volume.

# gluster volume set gfsv1 auth.allow gluster_client1_ip,gluster_client2_ip

If you need to remove the restriction at any point

# gluster volume set gfsv1 auth.allow *
