Loginto Remote Server and Configure SSH-Keybased Auth
# ssh-keygen
# cd ~/.ssh/
Add/Append generated Public key to "authorized_keys"file
# cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys
# chmod 600 authorized_keys
Copy Private key to Local Client System(from where to connet to this server)
# scp id_rsa ubuntu@
# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
PasswordAuthentication no
# service sshd restart
From Local Client System login to server using key file
$ mv /F1/SSH-KeyS/id_rsa /F1/SSH-KeyS/owncloud.key
$ sudo chmod 400 /F1/SSH-KeyS/owncloud.key
$ ssh -i /F1/SSH-KeyS/owncloud.key root@
For Quick Access to Server from Client Machine
Open or create ~/.ssh/config file on client.and then paste following line replacing "owncloud" with the id you want to use and location to .key file with correct one.
# vi ~/.ssh/config
#---Host OwnCloud---#
Host owncloud
User root
IdentityFile "F1/SSH-KeyS/owncloud.key"
#---Host UB-Router---#
Host router
User ubadmin
IdentityFile "/F1/SSH-KeyS/router.key"
You are ready to go. Just type:
# ssh owncloud
# ssh-keygen
# cd ~/.ssh/
Add/Append generated Public key to "authorized_keys"file
# cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys
# chmod 600 authorized_keys
Copy Private key to Local Client System(from where to connet to this server)
# scp id_rsa ubuntu@
# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
PasswordAuthentication no
# service sshd restart
From Local Client System login to server using key file
$ mv /F1/SSH-KeyS/id_rsa /F1/SSH-KeyS/owncloud.key
$ sudo chmod 400 /F1/SSH-KeyS/owncloud.key
$ ssh -i /F1/SSH-KeyS/owncloud.key root@
For Quick Access to Server from Client Machine
Open or create ~/.ssh/config file on client.and then paste following line replacing "owncloud" with the id you want to use and location to .key file with correct one.
# vi ~/.ssh/config
#---Host OwnCloud---#
Host owncloud
User root
IdentityFile "F1/SSH-KeyS/owncloud.key"
#---Host UB-Router---#
Host router
User ubadmin
IdentityFile "/F1/SSH-KeyS/router.key"
You are ready to go. Just type:
# ssh owncloud